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Save on Ductless With Rebates, Tax Credits, & Financing!
There's no better time than now to switch to Mitsubishi Electric Ductless Heating & Cooling. Whether you want to fully replace your current system(s) or just add ductless as supplemental heating/cooling, the options are endless. Take advantage of our amazing financing options paired with new energy-efficiency tax credits and rebates from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to receive the best deals + the best in home comfort.
Check out the listen of qualifying heat pumps from Mitsubishi Electric.Qualifying Heat Pumps

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High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Program (HEEHRP): Key Takeaways
• Allocates $4.5 billion in grants to states and for home energy improvement projects including point-of-sale heat pump rebates.
•10-year program, administered through State Energy Offices, likely to start mid-2023
        - Parameters of state-administered programs may vary.
• Caps on rebates per qualified equipment type: $8,000 for a heat pump
• ENERGY STAR® will be the criteria to qualify heat pump systems.
• Designed to support low-to-moderate income (LMI) households.
• No stacking with other federal or state grants/rebates on same project.
Energy-Efficient Home Improvement Tax Credit (25C): Key Takeaways
• A 10-year extension and expansion of existing 10% tax credit to 30%.
• Begins with tax year 2023 (January 1, 2023), claim credit on your 2023 taxes.
• Up to $600 maximum per item: breaker panel, insulation, fossil fuel systems
(meeting elevated efficiency limits) with maximum of $1,200 tax credit.
• However, tax credit increases up to $2,000 for buying and installing qualified
heat pump.
        - The heat pump system must meet or exceed the
        highest performance tier set by the Consortium for        
        Energy Efficiency (CEE).
• Households may claim annually through 2032