No ductwork means no patching, no painting and no hassle. Configuring your ductless system is simple and the installation is virtually invisible, requiring only a small hole in the wall to connect from the indoor unit itself to the compressor unit outside. The outdoor compressor unit also provides power to the indoor unit, so there’s no need for additional indoor wiring.
Improved Efficiency Savings
Ductless is up to 40% more efficient than traditional systems which helps reduce your monthly utility bill. Over the life of a system, you'll see how having efficient equipment pays off.
Energy Star® Rated
Carrier® has a full line of ductless products to choose from that includes 29 Energy Star® certified models. Technology makes these systems smarter in how they use energy and minimizes their impact on the environment.
That means that many systems are eligible for federal and state tax credits plus local utility rebates.
Carrier® Ductless features a multi-stage filtration process that removes particulates and contaminants from the air during continuous fan operation that provides better circulation.
The allergen filter traps dust and allergens and improves your overall indoor air quality. Some systems can also use a specialized filter for odor absorbtion, just in case of any accidents.
The ductelss unit filter is easy to access and easy to clean, All you need to do is lift the lid to access the filter and simply use soap and water to clean the filter itself.
The majority of Carrier® ductless units are Energy Star® rated. And, all of the models use only the exact amount of energy they need all while consuming zero fossil fuels.
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