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Case Studies

Dec 2, 2019 8:30:00 AM by Ron Musser

New Boiler Works Better for Less Money in Chestnut Hill Home

PROBLEM: Our homeowners' 30-year-old boiler was due for replacement -- they were having to repair it more frequently and their energy bills were increasing. 

SOLUTION: ECI Comfort installed a Thermoflo high-efficiency gas boiler to replace the old system.

ECI replaces boiler in Chestnut Hill home.Our homeowners in Chestnut Hill did a fantastic job keeping their boiler in great shape. With regular maintenance and tune-ups, their heating system lasted 30 years! 

As a result, they had plenty of warning when their heater was on its last legs and they were able to take their time picking out a replacement. Our homeowners were able to choose a new unit that would work better and save them money on energy bills.

In this case study, we’ll find out how they got their old unit to last as long as it did. Then, we’ll see the signs that it was time for a new one. Finally, we’ll check out the great benefits of the new one they chose. 

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PROBLEM: Our homeowners' 30-year-old boiler was due for replacement -- they were having to repair it more frequently and their energy bills were increasing. 

SOLUTION: ECI Comfort installed a Thermoflo high-efficiency gas boiler to replace the old system.

How to Make a Boiler Last for 30 Years

Active gas boiler.On average, a gas boiler will last anywhere from 8 to 15 years, but our homeowners kept their running for twice that long! Their secret? Regular preventative maintenance. 

Our homeowners handled a few simple tasks every year. These were things like keeping the area around the boiler clear and making sure nothing blocked the vents. This way, air could always flow correctly through the system. Otherwise, the heat could back up and cause trouble. 

Additionally, they kept an eye out for any signs of trouble: leaks, strange noises, or anything else out of the ordinary. Getting those repaired quickly kept the unit in excellent condition. 

Lastly, they made sure to get a tune-up every year.  Each year we inspected the system inside and out and replaced anything that was broken or worn down. Then, we’d clean out the boiler and be sure to lubricate any moving parts. 

ECI tuning up boiler.

This process prevents costly breakdowns in the winter when the unit’s working its hardest. As a result, our homeowners' heating system lasted twice as long as the average one. And, they were able to spot the warning signs that it was finally ready for retirement. 

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Three Signs You Need A New Boiler Soon

Here are three ways to tell you’ll need to replace your boiler soon: more frequent repairs, weaker heating, and increasing energy bills.

Our homeowners noticed these problems over the previous two winters. First, they had to call us out a few times each year. By the second year, they found themselves cold when they woke up, regardless of previous repairs.  Lastly, they noticed an increase in their energy bills.

More Frequent Repairs

ECI repairing gas boiler system for Chestnut Hill home.Even when you keep your HVAC system in great shape, eventually, you’ll end up calling for repair more often. The overall system will wear down and won't work as well.

That’s when things start going wrong. Either you get more error messages, or the boiler stops working altogether until you get it looked at. 

Weaker Heating

Person in winter coat inside home turning up their heat because it is not warm enough. If the heater still works but your home isn’t warm enough anymore, something’s up. It’s a sign the heater is working its hardest, but it's still not strong enough to do the job like it used to do. 

Sometimes, the air is just as warm as it usually is, but there’s not as much of it circulating through the house. Other times, the temperature doesn’t get high enough. Either way, it’s a sign that an older unit could be on its last legs. 

Increasing Energy Bills

Sometimes, your heater still seems up to the task; it always clicks on, and your home is as warm as it’s been every other winter. The difference is your gas bill is suddenly going up. 

That often means the boiler is getting weak and requires more energy than before to work properly. 

When to Replace Your Boiler

Our homeowners decided to get a new boiler when we emailed them about their yearly maintenance. Instead of automatically making an appointment, they called us with their concerns. 

We checked our records and went through the options. In the end, they decided not to risk a last-minute replacement in the middle of winter. Instead, they wanted to take their time in September, while it was still warm out, to pick out a new unit. That way, they’d be ready for the winter and they’d save money on the upcoming heating bills.

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Energy Efficient Thermoflo Boilers in Chestnut Hill Home

ECI installs thermoflo boiler in Chestnut Hill home. The big draw for this Thermoflo boiler was its energy efficiency or, in other words, how much or how little gas it uses to do the job. The less gas, the more efficient — and the lower your energy bills. 

The way to measure this efficiency is the AFUE, or annual fuel utilization efficiency, rating. It tells you how much of the gas heats your home versus how much gets lost through exhaust. 

The old unit had, at its best, a 75 percent AFUE rating, meaning it wasted about a quarter of the gas it used. This was normal 30 years ago, but much more efficient systems are now on the market. The new unit has a 90 percent AFUE rating, so our homeowners saw a 15 percent decrease in wasted fuel. 

With a little research, our homeowners didn’t miss a step going into this cold season. They’re confident that with some care and maintenance, they’ll have this new system for decades to come, too. 

If you think there’s a problem with your aging boiler, now’s the time to take action! Call ECI for an inspection, and we’ll let you know you should consider getting a new one soon. 

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