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Standby Loss? What the $#%@ is That?!

  • July 28, 2021

What is standby loss

If you are an HVAC novice, you may wonder what Standby Loss is...In this article, we are here to let you know!

What is Standby loss? 

Standby loss or standby energy loss is anytime that energy is wasted when heat from the hot water in the storage tank transfers through that tank and is dispersed into the surrounding air.
If you own a gas furnace or a hot water heater and notice that you're paying more for oil or gas and you don't know why, it can be due to standby loss. Standby loss is something of great importance and should be taken into consideration when making decisions on units and when looking for replacements! 
Standby loss is measured by BTU/H loss based on the square footage of the tank. BTU stands for British Thermal Units which is a form of measurement used to determine the amount of energy used to raise the temperature of a pound of water by one degree. This can determine the degree of energy a system may be using or wasting, which can result in more frequent payments for oil and gas or for system repairs. 

Standby loss affects certain types of systems

While there are many types of home heating systems with their own pros and cons, gas furnaces and water heaters are two types of systems that can experience standby loss.
Types of Home Heating Systems
These systems can waste more energy based on their build and design.
Because these systems have more surface area, they tend to
lose heat and energy through the sides, top, and bottom, as well as through the flue pipe. The flue pipe
runs up through the middle of the tank. This component's job is to vent and exhaust gases from inside a home to the outside.
While gas furnaces and water heaters can have standby loss which will make a unit inefficient, know that these systems also can be very efficient as well! For more information on this, read our blog about comparing the efficiencies of different types of systems.

If you live in the Delaware Valley/Greater Philadelphia area and would like to find comfort within your home, visit our website or give us a call at 215 - 245 - 3200 to learn more.
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