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Jun 28, 2024 2:54:00 PM by Logan Donahue - 1 comment

Preparing for a Heatwave: How to Keep Your HVAC System Running Smoothly

As summer heats up, Pennsylvania residents know that heatwaves can put a strain on both comfort and HVAC systems. To ensure your home remains cool and your air conditioning unit operates efficiently during these extreme temperatures, follow these essential tips for preparing your HVAC system for a heatwave.

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May 1, 2024 9:45:00 AM by Logan Donahue - 0 comments

Stay Cool, Save Energy: Spring HVAC Hacks Every Homeowner Should Know

As the temperatures start to rise in spring, keeping your home cool becomes a top priority. However, staying comfortable doesn't have to mean high energy bills. By implementing some energy-efficient strategies, you can enjoy a cool and refreshing indoor environment while also saving money and reducing your environmental impact. Here are some HVAC tips to help you beat the heat this spring.

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Feb 13, 2024 9:13:03 AM by Logan Donahue - 0 comments

How to Spoil Your HVAC This Valentine's Day

My Dearest Homeowner,
As Valentine's Day approaches, I couldn't help but pen this heartfelt letter to express my undying affection for you. Through the sweltering summer heat and the bone-chilling winter cold, I've been by your side, faithfully ensuring your comfort day in and day out. But on this special day of love, I'd like to turn the spotlight on us - you and me, together in perfect harmony.

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Nov 22, 2023 2:21:46 PM by Logan Donahue - 0 comments

High Ceilings Affect Your HVAC's Efficiency

The appeal of high ceilings in a house comes with a feeling of openness and elegance. Rooms with high ceilings experience issues to maintaining optimal temperatures and energy efficiency. In this article, we discuss why ceiling height affects HVAC systems and effective strategies to enhance efficiency without compromising comfort.

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Oct 25, 2023 9:01:38 AM by Logan Donahue - 0 comments

6 Ways to Prepare Your Home for the End of Daylight Saving Time

As the days grow shorter and temperatures drop, we find ourselves approaching the end of daylight saving time. This seasonal transition not only affects our daily routines but also presents an opportunity to optimize our HVAC systems for the colder months ahead. In this article, we will explore various ways to alter your thermostat to ensure energy efficiency and comfort during the fall and winter seasons.

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Oct 23, 2023 10:15:00 AM by Logan Donahue - 0 comments

5 Benefits of Enrolling in a Heater Service Plan

As the temperatures fall and winter approaches, ensuring your home stays warm and comfortable becomes a top priority. One way to ensure the optimal functioning of your heating system is by enrolling in a service plan offered by ECI Comfort. These plans offer a range of benefits that go beyond simple maintenance and can significantly enhance your overall heating experience. In this post, we'll explore the key advantages of enrolling in one of our service plans for your heating system with us. 

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Jul 28, 2023 8:47:59 AM by Logan Donahue - 0 comments

Your Personal Guide to Your Home's Refrigerant Levels

Refrigerant is the magical substance in your AC unit that transforms the warm, stifling air in your home into a refreshing breeze of coolness. It exists in the form of a vapor or liquid, residing within the evaporator coils and condenser coils, working tirelessly to ensure that the air circulating in your home is nothing short of comfortable and delightfully cool.

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Jul 26, 2023 4:10:58 PM by Logan Donahue - 0 comments

Why Does My AC Have Low Airflow?

There are several factors that can contribute to low airflow in your home, and while they may not always be obvious, they can have a major impact on your comfort and well-being. It is important to understand these causes so that you can effectively address the issue and restore optimal airflow in your living space. Let's check out some of these causes below. 

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May 23, 2023 2:18:27 PM by Logan Donahue - 0 comments

5 Benefits of Enrolling in an AC Service Plan

As the temperatures rise and summer approaches, ensuring your home stays cool and comfortable becomes a top priority. One way to ensure the optimal functioning of your air conditioning system is by enrolling in a service plan offered by ECI Comfort. These plans offer a range of benefits that go beyond simple maintenance and can significantly enhance your overall air conditioning experience. In this post, we'll explore the key advantages of enrolling in one of our air conditioner service plans with us: Ductless Service Plan and Central AC Service Plan. A Ductless service plan is for homeowners with mini-split systems in their home. A Central AC Service plan is for homeowners who have Unico High Velocity or standard central air throughout their home. 

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May 15, 2023 9:42:36 AM by Logan Donahue - 0 comments

The Importance of Matching Furnaces and Air Conditioners for a Reliable HVAC System

A key component of maintaining a comfortable home is having an efficient and effective HVAC system. Unfortunately, many homeowners are unaware of the risks associated with mismatched furnaces and air conditioners. The reason why an HVAC system is called a “system” is because the heating and cooling systems work together as one unit. 

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