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Nov 21, 2022 3:38:08 PM by Lauren Mangano

10 Easy Ways to Winterize Your Home

It's that time of year again! The temperatures are dropping and it's time to use our heating systems. But before you crank the heat and get cozy, ask yourself this: have I prepared my home for these wintery conditions?
Here are some home improvements that will keep your home more comfortable, your heater energy-efficient, and even help save you money.

10 Tips to Get Your Home Ready for Winter

1. Check your heating system & clear space

Maintenance checks are a must before the cold weather sets in. Make sure your system is working properly to prevent any problems during the winter, like having no heat. Annual heater tune-ups reduce the risk of breakdowns and ensure your system is running safely and efficiently.
It's also important to remove any objects from nearby the heater to reduce risk of damage or fire.

2. Insulate your pipes

To prevent frozen pipes and to keep the hot water flowing, insulate with either fiberglass insulation or foam insulation.

3. Flush your water heater

A water heater can collect a lot of dirt over time, which can hinder how well it actually works. Flush the water through the drain valve and get rid of any excess dirt (find detailed instructions here).

4. Reverse fans (clockwise) 

Your fan direction in winter needs to be clockwise to create an updraft and circulate warm air around the room. This will keep the room cozy and may even help you lower your thermostat temperature and save a little on heating bills.

5. Insulate windows/doors for drafts

Whether it’s using caulk or weather-strip tape to seal up cracks by the windows, or using draft guards on the bottom of your doors, insulating your home will keep the cold air out and keep your energy costs low.

6. Add attic insulation

Live more comfortably at home by adding wall or attic insulation. It'll keep your home warmer and save you money. Not sure where you should insulate? Find out here.

7. Clean gutters & cover the condenser

Make sure the gutters are clean so water can flow freely and prevent the build-up of ice. The faster the water can drain, the less likely it will refreeze. This will prevent water damage in the future. You should also clean off and cover your outdoor air conditioning condenser to prevent it from getting dirty or freezing up. 

8. Get a programmable thermostat

According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), setting your thermostat at 68 degrees while at home and then lowering the temperature while sleeping or away, can help cut heating costs by up to 10 percent a year.

9. Change the furnace filter

Filters should be cleaned and changed every one to three months during the winter season.  This helps the furnace work more efficiently and keeps your home warm.

10. Keep vents and baseboards clean

Clogged and dirty vents will make it harder for warm air to come through, causing your furnace to work harder than it has to. Cleaning and dusting vents will also help remove dust and allergens so that you breathe in healthier air. In addition, check to make sure that nothing is obstructing the airflow from your vents and make sure your vents are opened all the way.

If you live in the Delaware Valley/Greater Philadelphia area and would like to find comfort within your home, visit our website or give us a call at 215 - 245 - 3200 to learn more.


This entry was posted in Winter, Home Improvements

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