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Mar 12, 2024 4:19:20 PM by Lauren Mangano

Researchers Create "Heat Battery": A New Solution to Efficiently Heat Your Home

Have you ever wondered if there's a cheaper yet more efficient way to heat your home? Researchers at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands have been looking into exactly that, and they've made a significant discovery that could benefit homeowners by storing heat from hot summer days for use during cold winter months.
Their solution involves a combination of water vapor and salt, which they've dubbed a "heat battery." If their ongoing tests continue to show promise, this innovation could offer an affordable and efficient way to provide warmth and hot water to individual homes or even entire neighborhoods using renewable energy and environmentally friendly materials.
 How does a heat battery work?

How Does the "Heat Battery" Work?

Here's how you can heat your home with this new technology: the system utilizes stabilized salt hydrates (not the regular table salt you might have in your kitchen) to store and release heat through a simple chemical process involving water. When water interacts with the salt, it forms new salt crystals, releasing heat in the process. Importantly, this process can be reversed, allowing the stored heat to be released when needed, making it a sustainable and long-lasting solution.
Imagine a setup where a heat collection unit is installed on your roof, gathering energy from the sun. Downstairs, there's a system that resembles typical heating hardware found in homes, such as a condenser and heat exchanger. These components work together to regulate the flow of air, ensuring that the salt chemistry inside stores and releases heat as required.

Benefits of the "Heat Battery"

According to Lian Blijlevens, a researcher involved in this project, just a small amount of the salt-water mixture could heat a house for a significant period. For instance, a unit about the size of a refrigerator could provide enough hot water for a typical family for up to two weeks. This system is also expected to be more cost-effective than current electric batteries commonly used for energy storage.
Moreover, the researchers are striving to make the system recyclable, with promising candidates for the salt component identified through rigorous testing. The aim is to ensure that the system remains efficient and sustainable for long-term use, without the need for frequent replacements.

Is the "Heat Battery" Available Yet?

Similar technologies are being explored elsewhere, including applications for powering electric vehicles. These advancements could potentially revolutionize how we use energy both at home and for transportation, making it more efficient and affordable.
The beauty of this breakthrough lies in its simplicity, using common elements like water and salt to address significant energy challenges. Experts anticipate that trials of these heat batteries will begin in European cities within the next few years, offering a promising solution to the pressing issue of energy consumption and conservation. At ECI, we hope to have this solution available in the US in the near future as well!
Contact ECI Comfort

If you live in the Delaware Valley/Greater Philadelphia area and would like to find comfort within your home, visit our website or give us a call at 215 - 245 - 3200 to learn more.

This entry was posted in Heating, Energy, Efficiency

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