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Dec 4, 2023 2:34:21 PM by Lauren Mangano

How Insulating Your Home Saves Energy and Money

Heat escapes your body from the top and bottom -- your head and feet -- which is why we bundle up with winter hats to shield ourselves from the cold weather. Our houses are the same, which is why we need to insulate the top and bottom of our homes, too. In this blog, we'll explain how you can prevent heat from leaving your home, keeping you warmer and saving you money.
Homes are like big chimneys, especially tall ones. Due to something called the stack effect, the warm air inside moves towards the cold air outside, kind of like air going up a chimney from high to low pressure. This natural phenomenon can lead to significant heat loss if not addressed properly. The warm air finds different ways to escape, usually through gaps in the ceiling, old-style lights, and other openings in the attic. These small openings act as pathways for the precious heat to slip away, leaving you feeling cold and uncomfortable.
Stack Effect
To counteract this heat loss, it is essential to take proactive measures and seal those gaps and holes. Think of it as putting a snug-fitting hat on your head or placing a tightly sealed lid on a cup to keep the heat inside. By effectively sealing these escape routes, you can prevent warm air from escaping and keep your home cozy and energy-efficient.
However, simply sealing these gaps alone is not enough to ensure proper insulation. Even if your house has insulation, it may not work effectively if there are gaps or inadequate coverage. This is where adding more insulation comes into play. By increasing the amount of insulation in your attic, you provide an extra layer of protection against heat loss. Proper insulation helps to trap the warm air inside your home, saving energy and reducing your utility bills.
Now, our goal of achieving energy efficiency doesn't stop at the top of your home. The same amount of air that escapes from the top also enters from the bottom. To maintain a well-insulated and airtight environment, it's important to seal up any holes where pipes and wires go outside. This will make your home more airtight, like closing a door to the cold. By preventing cold air from entering and warm air from escaping, you create a barrier that keeps your home comfortable and energy-efficient.
Lastly, if part of your basement is above the ground level, it is important to ensure that it is properly sealed and insulated as well. Just like sealing and insulating the top and bottom of your home, taking these measures in the basement can significantly contribute to energy savings. In addition to saving energy, a sealed and insulated basement prevents critters from seeking refuge in the cozy warmth of your basement during the winter months.
In simple terms, to save energy and ensure maximum comfort during the winter season, it is crucial to seal both the top and bottom of your home. By addressing the stack effect, sealing gaps and holes, adding insulation, and ensuring airtightness, you can create an energy-efficient and cozy environment that saves you money and keeps you comfortable throughout the cold months.
Contact ECI Comfort

If you live in the Delaware Valley/Greater Philadelphia area and would like to find comfort within your home, visit our website or give us a call at 215 - 245 - 3200 to learn more.

This entry was posted in Save Energy, Insulation, Efficiency, Winter

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