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Jan 3, 2022 2:23:25 PM by Lauren Mangano

How to Best Prepare for an In-Home HVAC Consultation

Deciding on a new HVAC system for your home can be daunting. But scheduling an in-home consultation with your local contractor is the best way to get a professional opinion on the right options. Whether you are putting in a completely new, whole-home system, upgrading your current system, or just adding on to it, your contractor will need to consider a number of important factors. 
Preparing for an HVAC consultation
When a Comfort Specialist from ECI Comfort evaluates your home, they make sure to get the whole picture. Your specialist will consider your specific concerns, how your current HVAC system is working, energy efficiency, budget, and more. They will also do a load calculation which considers the square footage of the home, the insulation, the number of floors, the condition of the ductwork, and the number of windows, doors, and entryways. Load calculations help determine the right size, style, and application of your HVAC system, providing you with more precise comfort and energy usage.
It's important to have information ready and give full access so that you can get the most out of your estimate. So, how can you prepare for and participate in the consultation? Here's what to do:

Provide an Account of Current Problems

If you're buying a new HVAC system, it's probably because your current one is starting to let you down. A list of problems that you're experiencing with the existing system will help the specialist understand your concerns which leads to finding a new system that's more suitable. Some examples of common concerns are hot/cold spots, humidity, dryness, too much noise (outside or inside), poor indoor air quality, inefficiency, high energy costs, rooms that the system doesn't reach, or that someone in the home suffers from asthma/airborne allergens.
Maybe you need a ductless air handler to target a room that's always too hot, a high velocity system to reduce noise, or a high efficiency boiler to help you save on heating bills. Whatever the problem may be, detailing your current issues will help you get to the best solution.
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Note What You Like About Your Current System

On the other hand, it's also important to explain anything you like about your HVAC system. Maybe you like your oil heater for the winter and just want a supplemental system for the milder seasons. Your system might be nice and quiet and you want to make sure your next one isn't noisy either. Or you get comfortable cooling to your first and second floors, but not enough air conditioning on the third floor. Talking about the positives will help the specialist understand your expectations and replicate the aspects you like in your new HVAC system.

Provide Easy Access to All HVAC Components & Rooms

You can make the specialist's job a little easier by removing obstacles from the places they'll need to reach. Remove furniture or any items blocking the interior system, provide access to the room the system is in, and/or make sure there's no landscaping interfering with access to the exterior system.
Also make sure that the specialist can get into all rooms/areas. Even if you don't think that it's a problem area, they may notice issues such as heat gain/loss through windows, air leaks, insufficient insulation, and more. Open access inside and outside the home will make your consultation more efficient and effective.

Give a History of Energy Costs

Saving energy -- and money -- is on everyone's mind. While almost any newer system works more efficiently than one that's 10+ years old, knowing your current usage and future goals helps the Comfort Specialist design a system that meets your expectations. 
If you can, provide a breakdown of one year of energy consumption. If you don't have access to older bills, you can get that from the utility company. That will show when energy use spikes and levels off and could reveal underlying issues. For example, high energy usage may point to issues like a system that isn't the right size for your home.

Know Your Budget

Energy bill and HVAC budget

The HVAC professional needs to understand your financial limits to provide the right system for you. Whether the sky is the limit or if budget is tight, make sure to be up front about it. 
When everyone is on the same page, your consultation will make the best use of time. Even better, you might learn that a higher-quality system than what you expected is within reach. 

Other Useful Information

There's other information that can be helpful in determining the right system for your home. Your specialist may go over the age of your residence, how many people live there, how long you plan on staying there, if you have plans for remodeling or additions, and the importance of home automation. All of this will play a role in designing the perfect HVAC system.
An HVAC consultation is the first step toward a heating/cooling system that will provide comfort year round. Being prepared for an in-home estimate means you can explain your current situation and goals more effectively and get a tailored solution as a result. 
Contact us today to get set up your personalized, in-home HVAC consultation. What you learn in a few hours can go miles toward finding the best, most efficient HVAC system that fits your home perfectly.

Contact ECI Comfort

If you live in the Delaware Valley/Greater Philadelphia area and would like to find comfort within your home, visit our website or give us a call at 215 - 245 - 3200 to learn more.

This entry was posted in Comfort Tips

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