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ERV Systems

Did you know that people spend about 90 percent of their time indoors? While you may be worried about catching a cold when you leave the house, it’s your indoor air quality that you should focus on! 

As buildings get tighter to seal weather out, they also seal in contaminants, lowering overall indoor air quality (IAQ). Contaminants from furniture and building materials as well as odors, cooking and cleaning fumes, excess humidity, CO2, and more can all be trapped in your home without the proper solution. In fact, indoor air can be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. Low IAQ levels can lead to reduced productivity and cause health problems and disease transmission. 
So, what’s a good solution? An Energy Recovery Ventilation (ERV) system from RenewAire.

For over 35 years, RenewAire has helped enhance IAQ in both residential and commercial buildings of all sizes. ECI Comfort can easily install an ERV system for your home or building that’s easy to use and maintain. RenewAire’s ERV systems are built to last, plus come with great warranties to give you peace of mind. Not only will stay healthy and feel more comfortable with an ERV, but you will also save energy and money with your HVAC system.
How does it work?
The static-plate, cross-flow core separates the outgoing, polluted indoor airstream from the incoming fresh airstream—while simultaneously transferring total energy (heat and water vapor) between the two. 
In the winter, cold, dry outside air is preheated and humidified by the outgoing warmed room air as it leaves as exhaust:
In the summer, the warm, humid outside air is precooled and dehumidified by the outgoing air-conditioned interior air as it leaves as exhaust:
RenewAire ventilation technologies create healthier and more comfortable indoor environments while optimizing energy efficiency. This is done by reusing otherwise-wasted total energy from the exhaust air to condition incoming outdoor air. The results are exceptional IAQ, IEQ, energy reductions, and cost savings."