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May 23, 2023 2:18:27 PM by Logan Donahue

5 Benefits of Enrolling in an AC Service Plan

As the temperatures rise and summer approaches, ensuring your home stays cool and comfortable becomes a top priority. One way to ensure the optimal functioning of your air conditioning system is by enrolling in a service plan offered by ECI Comfort. These plans offer a range of benefits that go beyond simple maintenance and can significantly enhance your overall air conditioning experience. In this post, we'll explore the key advantages of enrolling in one of our air conditioner service plans with us: Ductless Service Plan and Central AC Service Plan. A Ductless service plan is for homeowners with mini-split systems in their home. A Central AC Service plan is for homeowners who have Unico High Velocity or standard central air throughout their home. 

5 Benefits of an Annual AC Service Plan with ECI

Priority scheduling

When the blistering heat arrives, air conditioning systems are pushed to their limits, and breakdowns seem to occur at the most inconvenient times. By enrolling in a service plan, you gain the advantage of priority scheduling. This means that if your air conditioner malfunctions, you'll receive prompt attention and faster service compared to customers without a plan. Priority scheduling ensures that you won't have to suffer through extended periods without a functioning AC unit during the hottest days of the year.

Cost savings with discounts on parts and labor

Repair and maintenance costs for air conditioning systems can quickly add up, especially if you're facing unexpected breakdowns. With an air conditioner service plan, you typically enjoy a substantial discount on both parts and labor. For example, a 15% discount on parts and labor can translate into significant savings over time, making repairs and replacements more affordable. These cost savings can help you better manage your budget while ensuring your air conditioner receives the attention it needs.

Regular tune-ups for optimal performance

Air conditioning systems, like any other mechanical equipment, require regular maintenance to function optimally. An air conditioner service plan typically includes an annual tune-up visit by a qualified technician. During this visit, the technician will thoroughly inspect and clean your system, identifying any potential issues before they turn into major problems. Regular tune-ups not only improve the overall performance and energy efficiency of your AC unit but also extend its lifespan, saving you money on costly repairs or premature replacements.

Waived diagnostic fees

In the unfortunate event that your air conditioning system does encounter a problem, an air conditioner service plan often includes waived service fees. This means that if you require repairs covered by your plan, you won't have to pay the standard service call fee. By eliminating these fees, service plans provide an added layer of financial protection and peace of mind, ensuring that you can address any issues promptly without incurring extra expenses.

Transferrable to new homeowners 

This feature can be a significant selling point for potential buyers, as it provides them with immediate access to the benefits and peace of mind that come with our service plan. The new occupants of your home will inherit all the benefits of the previous owners service plan for the remaining duration. By offering a transferrable service plan, you add value to your property and make it more appealing to prospective buyers, giving them an extra reason to choose your home over others on the market. New homeowners can feel confident knowing that the previous owners maintained their air conditioning system and will continue to receive professional attention, ensuring their comfort and minimizing the risk of unexpected breakdowns or costly repairs shortly after moving in. 


Enrolling in an air conditioner service plan is a proactive and wise investment for homeowners looking to maintain their comfort and save money in the long run. With priority scheduling, discounted parts and labor, annual tune-ups, and waived service fees, these plans offer a comprehensive set of benefits that keep your air conditioning system in top condition. By taking advantage of these perks, you can enjoy worry-free summers, extend the life of your AC unit, and ensure optimal energy efficiency. So, beat the heat and sign up for an air conditioner service plan today to experience the many advantages it offers.
Contact ECI Comfort

If you live in the Delaware Valley/Greater Philadelphia area and would like to find comfort within your home, visit our website or give us a call at 215 - 245 - 3200  to learn more.

This entry was posted in Central Air Conditioning, Emergency Service, Home Performance, Ductless, Air Conditioning, Unico High Velocity

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