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Oct 24, 2023 1:34:34 PM by Lauren Mangano

Common Heating Problems to Watch Out for in the Fall

With the changing leaves and dropping temperatures, it's time to prioritize the comfort of your home during the fall season. As we make our way through autumn, your heating system becomes an important element in creating a cozy and warm atmosphere. However, as the weather gets colder, it's not uncommon to encounter heating problems. In this article, we'll delve into some of the most common heating issues that homeowners may face in the fall and provide effective solutions to address them.
10 Common Heater Issues and How to Solve Them

10 Common Heater Issues and How to Solve Them

1. Uneven heating

You might notice that some rooms are warmer than others, leading to discomfort and energy inefficiency.
Check your vents and registers for blockages, and ensure they are open and unobstructed. Consider using a zoning system to customize heating in different areas of your home for better comfort and energy savings.

2. Pilot light problems

If you have a gas furnace, the pilot light may go out, causing your heating system to stop working.
Relight the pilot light according to your furnace's user manual. If you're unsure or the problem persists, contact a professional technician to inspect and repair the issue.

3. Thermostat issues

Incorrect thermostat readings, unresponsiveness, or a malfunctioning thermostat can lead to heating problems.
Check the thermostat settings and change the batteries if needed. Calibrate the thermostat or consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat or smart thermostat for accurate control and energy efficiency.Benefits of Switching to a Smart Thermostat

4. Dirty or clogged filters

A dirty or clogged air filter restricts airflow, reducing your heating system's efficiency.
Regularly change or clean your air filter, typically every one to three months, to ensure proper airflow and system efficiency.

5. Noisy heating system

Unusual noises such as banging, clanking, or screeching can indicate issues within your heating system.
Unusual sounds often indicate problems with the blower motor, fan, or other components. Contact a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and resolve the issue.

6. Lack of maintenance

Neglecting regular maintenance can result in reduced efficiency and heating problems.
Schedule annual maintenance for your heating system. Professional inspections and tune-ups can prevent problems and extend the life of your system.Consequences of Skipping Heater Tune-Ups

7. Inadequate insulation

Poor insulation can lead to heat loss and reduced efficiency, making your heating system work harder.
Inspect your home's insulation and consider adding or upgrading it in areas like the attic, walls, and windows to improve energy efficiency.

8. Ignition issues

A malfunctioning ignition system can prevent your heating system from starting.
Contact a professional technician to inspect and repair the ignition system, ensuring that your heating system starts reliably.

9. Overheating or short cycling

Your heating system may overheat or cycle on and off too frequently, wasting energy and money.
Check for blocked vents and registers, and make sure they are open. If the problem persists, have a technician examine your system to ensure it's properly sized and functioning correctly.

10. Frozen pipes

In extremely cold weather, water pipes leading to your heating system may freeze, causing a lack of heat.
Prevent pipe-freezing by insulating them or using heat tape. If pipes do freeze, contact a professional to thaw them to avoid damage.
By being aware of these common heating problems and addressing them promptly, you can ensure a comfortable and efficient home during the fall and winter months. If you encounter more serious or persistent issues, it's always a good idea to consult with a professional HVAC technician who can provide expert solutions and keep your heating system running smoothly.Contact ECI Comfort

If you live in the Delaware Valley/Greater Philadelphia area and would like to find comfort within your home, visit our website or give us a call at 215 - 245 - 3200 to learn more.

This entry was posted in Heating, Heater Safety, Preventative Maintenance, Winter

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