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Nov 7, 2023 12:54:02 PM by Logan Donahue

What is Auxiliary Heat?

When it comes to heating your home, most people are familiar with the primary heating source, whether it's a furnace, boiler, or another system. However, in regions with moderate winters, heat pumps are increasingly popular due to their energy efficiency. Yet, standard heat pumps have their limitations, especially in extreme cold. To bridge this gap and ensure indoor comfort during colder months, auxiliary heat comes into play. In this blog, we will explore what auxiliary heat is, how it works, and why it's an essential component in heat pump systems.

Understanding Heat Pumps

Heat pump basics

A heat pump is a versatile HVAC system that both cools and heats your home. It operates by transferring heat between the indoor and outdoor environments. During the heating season, it extracts heat from the outside air and transfers it inside to warm your home.

Limitations of heat pumps

While heat pumps are known for their energy efficiency, they become less effective as the outdoor temperature drops. They work efficiently until around 32 degrees Fahrenheit. As there is less heat available in the cold air, the heat pump's efficiency decreases.Hyper-Heat Versus Standard Heat Pumps
What is Auxiliary Heat

The Role of Auxiliary Heat

Activation in extreme cold

When the outdoor temperature falls to a point where the heat pump struggles to maintain indoor temperatures efficiently, auxiliary heat is activated. This secondary heating source, often in the form of electric resistance heating, becomes essential for reliable warmth.

Electric resistance heating

Auxiliary heat generates warmth by passing electricity through heating elements. Though less energy-efficient than the heat pump, it provides a reliable source of heat in extremely cold conditions.

Importance of Auxiliary Heat

Reliable indoor comfort

Auxiliary heat is crucial for ensuring consistent indoor comfort, especially during cold spells. Without it, your heat pump might struggle to keep up with the heating demand, leaving you with a chilly home.

Energy efficiency and system health

Auxiliary heat prevents your heat pump from overworking in extreme cold, helping to maintain the system's longevity and efficiency. Running the heat pump continuously in harsh conditions could cause premature wear and tear.

Cost considerations

Since auxiliary heat can be more expensive to run than the heat pump, it's essential to use it wisely. By setting your thermostat to a temperature where the heat pump can handle the load most of the time and engaging auxiliary heat only when necessary, you can save on energy costs.


Heat pumps are excellent choices for energy-efficient heating and cooling in regions with moderate climates. However, auxiliary heat is a crucial component for ensuring indoor comfort during extreme cold. Understanding the operation of heat pumps and auxiliary heat allows you to make informed decisions about your heating system, optimizing its performance, and ensuring a warm and comfortable home while keeping energy costs in check.
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If you live in the Delaware Valley/Greater Philadelphia area and would like to find comfort within your home, visit our website or give us a call at 215 - 245 - 3200 to learn more.

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