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Thrifty Blog

Blog Author

Ron Musser

Ductless Mini Split (Finally!) Adds AC in A South Philly Rowhome

PROBLEM: A South Philly rowhome had no air conditioning. Our homeowner didn’t want to add ductwork, and there was no...

Bensalem Homeowner Prevents Water Damage With Emergency Repairs

PROBLEM: Our homeowners had a pipe burst after it froze on a cold day. The old boiler in this Bensalem rental home was...

Bensalem Church Replaces Furnace With a Cracked Heat Exchanger

PROBLEM: During a routine tune-up, this Bensalem church found out their heater had a cracked heat exchanger and a...

Better Heat, Endless Hot Water With New Boiler and Tankless Heater in Bensalem

PROBLEM: Our long-time customer noticed a leak coming from his boiler. He didn’t want to go long without heat and hot...

New Boiler Works Better for Less Money in Chestnut Hill Home

PROBLEM: Our homeowners' 30-year-old boiler was due for replacement -- they were having to repair it more frequently...

Variable Speed, Mini Split Replaces Twin Furnaces : Audubon, NJ

Problem: A homeowner wanted to replace twinned gas furnaces in her colonial home in Audubon, NJ. Even with two...

Perfect Heating and Cooling in a New All Seasons Room

Problem: A new all-seasons room needed heating and cooling. The homeowners wanted an effective and energy-efficient...

Ductless Mini Split Replaces Outdated Electric Heat in Bensalem

Problem: A Bensalem homeowner was tired of his heating expenses skyrocketing in the winter. And, his home didn’t have...

Ductless Heating and Cooling in a Historic Edgewater Park, NJ Home

Problem: A turn-of-the-century home used inefficient baseboard heat and window air conditioners. The house never had...

Eddington Furnace Replacement: Switching From Oil to Propane

Problem: A family in the historic Eddington neighborhood of Bensalem needed to replace their 25-year-old oil-fired...

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