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Apr 22, 2023 12:03:03 PM by Logan Donahue

Preparing For Your In-Home HVAC Consultation

If you're considering installing or upgrading your home's heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, you may need to schedule an in-home consultation with an HVAC professional. This consultation is essential to assess your needs, discuss available options, and provide an estimate for the cost of the project. Here are some tips to help you prepare for an in-home HVAC consultation and get the most out of your meeting.

5 Ways to Prepare for a Heating or Air Conditioning Estimate

Research your options

Before your HVAC consultation, take some time to research different HVAC systems and products that may be appropriate for your home. You can find this information on our website under products or read our blog posts. You can also consult with friends or family members who have installed HVAC systems recently. Familiarizing yourself with different HVAC options will help you understand the pros and cons of each and be better informed during your consultation. Switching over to green energy is the most popular option right now due to its efficiency and savings! 

Provide an account of current problems/needs

If you're buying a new HVAC system, it's probably because your current one is starting to let you down. A list of problems that you're experiencing with the existing system will help the specialist understand your concerns which leads to finding a new system that's more suitable. Make a list of your home's unique heating and cooling needs, such as room size, insulation quality, and energy efficiency. Understanding what you like about your current system will help you compare it to a newer one. But also understanding the negatives of your system will benefit your decision even more. This information will help your HVAC professional determine the most appropriate HVAC system for your home.
Maybe you need a ductless air handler to target a room that's always too hot, a high velocity system to reduce noise, or a high efficiency boiler to help you save on heating bills. Whatever the problem may be, detailing your current issues will help you get to the best solution.

Give a history of energy costs and understand your budget

Saving energy -- and money -- is on everyone's mind. While almost any newer system works more efficiently than one that's 10+ years old, knowing your current usage and future goals helps the Comfort Specialist design a system that meets your expectations.  
If you can, provide a breakdown of one year of energy consumption. If you don't have access to older bills, you can get that from the utility company. That will show when energy use spikes and levels off and could reveal underlying issues. For example, high energy usage may point to issues like a system that isn't the right size for your home.
Knowing your budget is crucial before your consultation. Be upfront with your HVAC professional about your budget, so they can provide options that are within your price range. ECI offers many financing options through Wells Fargo and Synchrony and budgeting we are happy to help you with. There are many tax rebates and credits available at the moment with incentives such as the IRA, LIHEAP, and other oil, gas, and electric rebates. 
Inflation Reduction Act Blogs

Be open to suggestions

During your consultation, your HVAC professional may suggest options that you haven't considered. Be open to these suggestions and ask questions to better understand why they may be the best choice for your home. Our comfort specialists are professionals who care about the comfort of your home and help you save money while doing so! 

Take notes and follow up

Take notes during your consultation, and ask for a written estimate to refer to later. This will help you compare different options and make an informed decision. After your consultation, follow up with any questions you may have about the recommended HVAC system or installation process. Your HVAC professional will be happy to answer any additional questions you may have.
In conclusion, an in-home HVAC consultation is an important step in ensuring your home's comfort and energy efficiency. By preparing ahead of time, understanding your needs, and being open to suggestions, you can get the most out of your consultation and make an informed decision about your home's HVAC system.

Contact ECI Comfort


If you live in the Delaware Valley/Greater Philadelphia area and would like to find comfort within your home, visit our website or give us a call at 215 - 245 - 3200 to learn more.

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