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Thrifty Blog

Blog Author
Lauren Mangano

Lauren Mangano

High Velocity Install In Historic Mt. Airy for the Krantz Family

PROBLEM: Classical guitarist, Allen Krantz, and his wife, Susan, needed a way to cool their fully original, historic...

Queen Village Air Conditioning Upgrade with Unico High Velocity

PROBLEM: The 20-year-old air conditioner in a Queen Village rowhome needed replacement. Our homeowners wanted to...

HVAC System Installation for John Mastronardo in Mt. Airy, Philadelphia

PROBLEM: John's older stone home used window AC units and radiators for heat, but he wanted an entirely new HVAC system...

Air Conditioning and More For The Second Floor in Bristol, PA

PROBLEM: Having recently moved into this home with no air conditioning, the homeowners were looking for an affordable...

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