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Air Conditioning (2)

Levittown Homeowners Finally Upgrade from Window AC Units to a Mitsubishi Electric Ductless System 

PROBLEM: Our homeowners were ready to upgrade their Levittown heating and cooling system after too many uncomfortable...

Commercial AC Replacement at Family Service in Langhorne

PROBLEM: After a mandate was passed to stop the production of R-22, Family Service in Langhorne was ready to upgrade...

1700s Stone Farmhouse Gets AC Upgrade it Always Needed

PROBLEM: Our homeowner, David, has a charming stone home built in the early 1700s. The home was built in three phases...

18th Century Stone Farmhouse Gets High Velocity Cooling in Yardley, PA

PROBLEM: Homeowners were looking to add air conditioning to their stone farmhouse that was built in the 1700s, but were...

Throwback Thursday: Small Office Gets Ductless AC

Problem: Small office had no air conditioning to stay comfortable. Solution: Installing a two-head Mitsubishi ductless...

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