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Thrifty Blog

Featured Insights for

Philadelphia, PA (3)

Multi-Model Ductless Hyper Heat System In South Philly

PROBLEM: Our homeowner was tired of continuously installing window units every year to beat the summer heat, only to be...

High Velocity Install In Historic Mt. Airy for the Krantz Family

PROBLEM: Classical guitarist, Allen Krantz, and his wife, Susan, needed a way to cool their fully original, historic...

Queen Village Air Conditioning Upgrade with Unico High Velocity

PROBLEM: The 20-year-old air conditioner in a Queen Village rowhome needed replacement. Our homeowners wanted to...

Ductless AC Cools South Philly Trinity While Preserving Artwork

PROBLEM: A historic trinity home near the Italian Market was always too warm in the summer with no ductwork for central...

HVAC System Installation for John Mastronardo in Mt. Airy, Philadelphia

PROBLEM: John's older stone home used window AC units and radiators for heat, but he wanted an entirely new HVAC system...

Indoor Air Quality Package Solves Allergy Issues in Philadelphia Home

PROBLEM: These homeowners struggled with bad allergies and asthma due to dry and dusty air from their forced hot air...

Cooling An Old City, Philadelphia Row Home With Ductless Air Conditioning

This 1920's rowhome in Old City had a gas-fired water boiler and cast iron radiators for heat, but no central air. This...

Ductless Install at Fairmount Rowhome for the Knipe Family

PROBLEM: The Knipes were looking to get rid of the window AC units in their Fairmount rowhome, but did not want to...

Using a High Velocity AC System to Keep the Trinity Charm

PROBLEM: These homeowners did not want to go through another summer using window and wall AC units. But they also did...

South Philly Rowhome Beats the Heat with Mitsubishi Ductless AC

PROBLEM: This homeowner was tired of the summer heat taking over her home, but it was too much of a pain to...

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